Unpopular opinion: conferences/job fairs are just circle jerks we pay to attend
My friend asked me if I wanted to attend a tech conference with her for a whopping, 150pln. Not to mention the costs I would have to pay as well for train tickets to get to the city the conference was in. We then got into a little conversation about our experience about conferences.
They seem to just be there for people who are already successful to flex, while hopeful but unsuccessful people watch them, feel amazed, and hope one day, they too can be successful. Finally, in terms of job fairs, a place where companies circle jerk each other and compete about which company is the best place to work at. I've never met even a single person who has gotten a job from a job fair, even though this is a "very popular way to get hired". Okay, honestly for who though? I legitimately want (need) to meet these people.