My last Karaoke Group

The group I went out with last time was a strange mix for sure. There were two types of people. Techbros (our brothers who predictably, work in tech, all part of the 'bald, white, bearded developers' coalition, their words not mine) and the other group, girls who don't speak English (we are all from the local medical university).

How did we get here

The techbros had all lived in the same building as me. I was doing a medical internship at the local medical uni at the time, but seeing as we shared coworking spaces, gym and bar I did eventually somehow manage to make friends there.

As for the girls, we all knew each other from medical Uni, this is in Poland so speaking English at the hospital isn't really a requirement. I ended up inviting my friends to come to Karaoke night with us, as there were some Polish songs we could sing. We ended up singing a mix of Polish and English songs.

All in all, I'd say a pretty successful Karaoke session. Some would consider this a strange group but honestly, I couldn't imagine a better one. The techbros were happy to hang around girls, and the girls wouldn't be there if they understood them.


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How computers are killing the Karaoke Industry

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Unpopular opinion: conferences/job fairs are just circle jerks we pay to attend

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They seem to just be there for people who are already successful to flex, while hopeful but unsuccessful people watch them, feel amazed, and hope one day, they too can be successful. Finally, in terms of job fairs, a place where companies circle jerk each other and compete about which company is the best place to work at. I've never met even a single person who has gotten a job from a job fair, even though this is a "very popular way to get hired". Okay, honestly for who though? I legitimately want (need) to meet these people.

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It's to the tune of Wellerman

(Verse 1) There once was a crew of devs, me boys, Coding away, they'd find their joys, They'd spin up servers, make sites fast, And hope their code would always last.

(Chorus) Soon may the Web Devs come, To bring us code and make sites run, One day, when the coding's done, We'll take our leave and go.

(Verse 2) They'd write in JavaScript, CSS, HTML would form the base, no less, Frameworks, libraries, all combined, To create sites that'd blow your mind.

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new username new me

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Why France sucks - a serious post/talk about a topic everyone else refuses to speak about


yeah, I get it. Hating a country is pretty controversial nowadays, especially in the woke era. And to be clear, I think racial injustice/gender inequality are totally valid things to speak about (and in fact will be the two things I discuss here), but I fear we have gone into the opposite direction: basically now we can't criticize anything. It appears, at least to me, nuanced is dead, and you're either far right or far left. I think rather, we should be able to criticize things otherwise you come out with people who go way the opposite of the spectrum (dudes like Andrew Tate).

Why am I qualified to talk about this? I lived in France for 3 years, so yeah, I have some experience. I lived in both Paris and the south in Nice, and I promise you this is not just a "Paris" problem. I will post some links to other articles too, to make my point.


if you're not white or black (and a man), stay the fuck out of France, because you will have a really bad time. Hell even if you are white and black, make sure you don't get caught in the "wrong" hood. I have heard from many colleagues about the harassment they can receive if you enter the wrong neighborhood, with many people usually shouting at you but also there is a real risk of getting jumped.

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A Grimm Tale about obedience, by me and chatGPT

Once upon a time in a small, humble village on the edge of a vast forest, there lived a poor miller and his three sons. The miller worked tirelessly to provide for his family, but despite his efforts, they lived a life of scarcity. The three brothers, though strong and capable, were known for their differing personalities: the eldest for his pride and boastfulness, the second for his disobedience, and the youngest for his humility and kindness.

In a distant kingdom, a beautiful and wise princess was captured by a wicked witch with a heart as dark as coal. This malicious sorceress locked the princess away in a tower hidden deep within an enchanted forest, guarded by a fearsome dragon and surrounded by a maze of thorns. The desperate king, who loved his daughter dearly, announced that whoever could rescue his precious child would receive her hand in marriage and half the kingdom's wealth.

Hearing of this great opportunity, the three brothers decided to embark on the adventure, each hoping to change their family's fortune and prove their worth. They prepared for their journey, bidding farewell to their father and the villagers who cheered them on with hope and excitement.

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Let it go by Elsa the Icequeen

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We are all in a simulation and the developer who wrote this one is has AI on the same timeline as COVID

I need to post this crazy theory before somebody else gets to. I noticed a lot of similarity between the AI timeline and the covid timeline.

There was this time before COVID was really a thing. back when few people knew about it but there seemed to be swirling rumors that it could be serious. this was back in December 2019. I would say this lines up with the time Dall-E was released (and other image generators). when people realized what AI was capable of, many knew it was only a matter of time before things started to get increasingly "weird". However, AI was very much under the radar for many people and to be honest it was for myself as well. I thought, oh how cool! AI can make art, how fun is this. But I never thought about the wider implications of Dall-E's release

Afterwards, came more general AI. ChatGPT-3 was released, along with many other companies that were developing their own AI. Google's bard and Bing's AI are what come to mind but many others. This is now an AI arms race, so to say. weird times but I would say that this corresponds with some very early times of covid. Before the lockdowns but things were already starting to get out of hand.

now we are at the timeline when chatGPT-4 is released, midjourney photos are fooling people into believing fake news (things like Trump's arrest, for example) , people are now worried about the ethical and future imp...
