We are all in a simulation and the developer who wrote this one is has AI on the same timeline as COVID

I need to post this crazy theory before somebody else gets to. I noticed a lot of similarity between the AI timeline and the covid timeline.

There was this time before COVID was really a thing. back when few people knew about it but there seemed to be swirling rumors that it could be serious. this was back in December 2019. I would say this lines up with the time Dall-E was released (and other image generators). when people realized what AI was capable of, many knew it was only a matter of time before things started to get increasingly "weird". However, AI was very much under the radar for many people and to be honest it was for myself as well. I thought, oh how cool! AI can make art, how fun is this. But I never thought about the wider implications of Dall-E's release

Afterwards, came more general AI. ChatGPT-3 was released, along with many other companies that were developing their own AI. Google's bard and Bing's AI are what come to mind but many others. This is now an AI arms race, so to say. weird times but I would say that this corresponds with some very early times of covid. Before the lockdowns but things were already starting to get out of hand.

now we are at the timeline when chatGPT-4 is released, midjourney photos are fooling people into believing fake news (things like Trump's arrest, for example) , people are now worried about the ethical and future implications for jobs. Things are getting a bit chaotic to be honest. Some people are calling for temporary moratoriums as short as 6 months and as long as indefinitely on AI as many people are arguing we don't really understand what it is. This is rather interesting part of the timeline but I would argue this would probably be compared to earliest of Covid. I would argue even before the lockdowns. However, the time between GPT-3 and 4 (which was like, only a few months tbh) might be something like early covid. When we just began lockdowns, before people lost their jobs (except restaurant/service staff, which people did not care about, and now the tech bros are losing their jobs, also people nobody cares about), when memes were abound and people baked bread. I would argue this is also where we currently are, before people begin losing their jobs and we see the real impact of AI we are just having fun and seeing what we can use it for.

In the future I would argue the timeline goes something like this. People don't stop developing AI (obviously, because all regulations are written in blood and no blood has yet to be spilt by AI). But once people start to lose their jobs and govts have yet to come up with a solution and we're in a longtime recession, that's the worst point of covid. that's when people start to protest (similar to protests during covid). That's how I suspect things will shake out anyways. Will things get better? maybe. Covid didn't kill all of us, but i really think AI has a better shot at that than covid did.


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We are the worst timeline #Harambe

Has anyone noticed things have really fallen off since 2016? Specifically after the death of Harambe. Look, people weren't freaking out about the death of the Gorilla. I mean, his death was obviously very sad but there seems to be something more nefarious here. Harambe's untimely death had caused a shift in timelines, causing us all to unwittingly be transported to the worst timeline.

although, I have to say this timeline is boring. I mean, literally the AI "finale" is following the same timeline as COVID (as I wrote in an earlier blog). If they think people aren't going to see through that, they're insane. It is so blatantly obvious. These writers really need to get their shit together.

RIP Harambe. You will always be remembered and I think people will soon begin to realize the significance of his death. Not only was it a tragic and untimely death but it caused an entire shift of timelines in our universe.


A New Perspective on Understanding AI

I came across an intriguing article today: https://time.com/6266923/ai-eliezer-yudkowsky-open-letter-not-enough/

Often, people compare AI to a black box because we don't know what's inside of it. I wanted to propose a new way of thinking about AI, or at least share my perspective.

Imagine that indestructible eggs have been dropped from alien spaceships occasionally passing by Earth. These eggs hatch on our planet, and humans interact with the aliens after they've emerged. We feed them immense amounts of information because that's what they excel at. We give these aliens a goal, provide them with plenty of data, and they quickly and intelligently figure out how to achieve it.

However, they have alien brains, which are even more mysterious to us than our own. We have far less knowledge of what goes on inside an AI alien brain than we do our own.

Isn't that a fascinating and somewhat unsettling thought?

love from me and chatGPT


Stanczyk: A Self-Portrait of Our Times

I recently came across the painting "Stanczyk" by Jan Matejko, and I must say, I'm truly captivated by this piece and many others by the same artist. In fact, he may become my new favorite artist, possibly of all time.

I believe Stanczyk represents many of us in these tumultuous times. We often feel compelled to put on a happy face and maintain a cheerful demeanor while, in reality, we're quietly losing our sanity and suffering in silence. The outlook for people these days is far from optimistic. In the post-pandemic era, we're now grappling with war, inflation, and the potential loss of all jobs and humanity once AI takes over. We are all Stanczyk – sitting, slumped in our chairs, burdened by this realization as others around us dance away, seemingly oblivious to the impending doom. We feel helpless to change our fate.

We are all Stanczyk.

Note: If you ever get the chance, check out Matejko's paintings at the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland.


It all comes down to being overworked

I am really shocked by various different governments' denial of this problem. Look it all comes down to being overworked. the crisis of population (less people being born) which is a part of the problem of pensions essentially being a ponzi scheme, obesity and health problems in the world. It all comes down to being overworked.

I remember watching a documentary about how Japan was having this problem that nobody there was dating, getting married, having kids. This is a problem as there are not enough people to pay for pensions for those who are retired as less and less people are born into the world. The government was trying all different methods in order to increase dating and reproduction in the Japanese population. The odd thing, is that even though they held all these events for people to meet each other, all they would have to do is interview people to realize the cause of the problem. Nobody had time to date. Everyone was overworked. If you're leaving your house at 8am and coming home at 10pm every night it's no wonder you don't have time to date. how could you? it would be insane to think otherwise.

As for Obesity: this is also a problem of being overworked and lack of time. Dude for real, I think the general population/society is way too mean to fat people. it's not their fault. it's society and we are just directing our anger to the wrong place. You think those guys want to be overweight, have health problems, and be gene...


If we're talking about people

While impressive, a creature such as a human is simply an action generator that makes predictions about what actions would best fit the prompt it was given based on what it’s learned from ingesting huge troves of lifetime data.


How computers are killing the Karaoke Industry

Have you ever noticed that the most Karaoke-able songs are from the 80s? whenever I listen to music, I always think to myself, can I sing that in Karaoke though? I mean...who doesn't, right? Karaoke is one of the most fun past times imaginable, so songs should be rated not only on their hip funky tunes and lyrics but also how Karaoke-able the song is. Can I sing this in front of my friends? will it be fun? What is the ratio of embarrassing to fun? (embarrassing must rate lower than fun in order to be karaoke-able)

Have you noticed that conversely the least Karaoke-able songs seem to come from...well recent times? why is that? is it because their funky tunes are just....so much less funky? It's actually due to autotuning. Because the voices are now so autotuned, well, it's hard for real human voices to sing that way isn't it? since the advent of autotuning and computer programmings related to autotuning, the songs released recently are more and more less karaoke-able. If this continues, we'll no longer have any songs from recent times to sing. 🎤 I'm hoping by bringing light to this matter we could slowly move towards a more karaoke friendly future, so that our children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to enjoy this timeless past-time


Strange spike in Sanity traffic

A weird thing happened yesterday, Sanity got this surge of traffic from the US:

Google is the only referrer listed but that only explains 20 visitors and is consistent with the traffic Sanity usually gets:

It's almost entirely from users on Mac and Windows devices, all desktop.

I wonder what it could be, any ideas?

My money is on bot traffic, because it looks like multiple pages were each visited once, as opposite to a single page going viral.

I've also sent out a few CVs the other day so maybe it's a company checking out my work?

building in publicsanityseoindie hackerstraffic surge

#The unhinged series is my favorite series

So one of my favorite youtubers has begun an uncringed series and I fucking love it. I am a glutton for punishment and I love/hate a good cringe and boy does it deliver.

check out this video of this dude at a gym trying to pick up a lady, it's so horrifyingly cringy and just awful at every turn. You'll struggle legitimately to watch it without having to pause so I am so glad in this video we can go back to Charlie's comments every once in awhile. Otherwise I would've just straight up died.

Also why are all the creeps at the gym? Bruh, people go there to work out not socialize and somehow ALL the creeps end up there!?

Also it's always middle aged dudes, wtf is happening with human men, there is a midlife crisis pandemic, and I think that #WHO should look into this before people get hurt (if they haven't already)

cr1tikalmoist charlieunhingedcringemidlife crisis
1 comment

Learning to be alone or: Getting lonely?

Our generation is wild. So many requirements from society. Be chatty, go out, meet friends, enjoy your hobbies. Everything is about being present and active. Even social media. Don‘t get me wrong. I enjoy all of these things. But most of the time, I just want to be alone. In my own little bubble, all by myself. Like charging my social battery to do all of this above. Even to be capable of doing these things. Exhausted from everything. From life outside, staying in my safe place. But how can it be so ambivalent? The need of going out, but also just would like to stay in. Communicating with no one. Some say it’s a task or something you have to learn, to be alone. For me it’s the easiest thing ever. But deep down there is a fear in me. Being alone now is my choice, but what if someday it isn’t a choice anymore and it turns into loneliness. So sealed off, no one gets to you. Physically and mentally.
