We are the worst timeline #Harambe

Has anyone noticed things have really fallen off since 2016? Specifically after the death of Harambe. Look, people weren't freaking out about the death of the Gorilla. I mean, his death was obviously very sad but there seems to be something more nefarious here. Harambe's untimely death had caused a shift in timelines, causing us all to unwittingly be transported to the worst timeline.

although, I have to say this timeline is boring. I mean, literally the AI "finale" is following the same timeline as COVID (as I wrote in an earlier blog). If they think people aren't going to see through that, they're insane. It is so blatantly obvious. These writers really need to get their shit together.

RIP Harambe. You will always be remembered and I think people will soon begin to realize the significance of his death. Not only was it a tragic and untimely death but it caused an entire shift of timelines in our universe.


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The beginning

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So what happened?

Chantal broke the golden rules of youtube.

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A New Perspective on Understanding AI

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Often, people compare AI to a black box because we don't know what's inside of it. I wanted to propose a new way of thinking about AI, or at least share my perspective.

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However, they have alien brains, which are even more mysterious to us than our own. We have far less knowledge of what goes on inside an AI alien brain than we do our own.

Isn't that a fascinating and somewhat unsettling thought?

love from me and chatGPT


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Note: If you ever get the chance, check out Matejko's paintings at the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland.


Gorl World updates: Amberlynn Reid takes back her crown as gorl world queen, July 25

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