How computers are killing the Karaoke Industry
Have you ever noticed that the most Karaoke-able songs are from the 80s? whenever I listen to music, I always think to myself, can I sing that in Karaoke though? I mean...who doesn't, right? Karaoke is one of the most fun past times imaginable, so songs should be rated not only on their hip funky tunes and lyrics but also how Karaoke-able the song is. Can I sing this in front of my friends? will it be fun? What is the ratio of embarrassing to fun? (embarrassing must rate lower than fun in order to be karaoke-able)
Have you noticed that conversely the least Karaoke-able songs seem to come from...well recent times? why is that? is it because their funky tunes are much less funky? It's actually due to autotuning. Because the voices are now so autotuned, well, it's hard for real human voices to sing that way isn't it? since the advent of autotuning and computer programmings related to autotuning, the songs released recently are more and more less karaoke-able. If this continues, we'll no longer have any songs from recent times to sing. 🎤 I'm hoping by bringing light to this matter we could slowly move towards a more karaoke friendly future, so that our children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to enjoy this timeless past-time