Sanity has gifs!?

I had this weird argument once with some guy that thinks it's supposed to be pronounced with a hard "g". clearly that guy doesn't realize the creator of gifs says it's a soft J sound


this one lady sent me this great gif, like peanut butter

check it out guys!

itsa meeee


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#The unhinged series is my favorite series

So one of my favorite youtubers has begun an uncringed series and I fucking love it. I am a glutton for punishment and I love/hate a good cringe and boy does it deliver.

check out this video of this dude at a gym trying to pick up a lady, it's so horrifyingly cringy and just awful at every turn. You'll struggle legitimately to watch it without having to pause so I am so glad in this video we can go back to Charlie's comments every once in awhile. Otherwise I would've just straight up died.

Also why are all the creeps at the gym? Bruh, people go there to work out not socialize and somehow ALL the creeps end up there!?

Also it's always middle aged dudes, wtf is happening with human men, there is a midlife crisis pandemic, and I think that #WHO should look into this before people get hurt (if they haven't already)

cr1tikalmoist charlieunhingedcringemidlife crisis
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Strange spike in Sanity traffic

A weird thing happened yesterday, Sanity got this surge of traffic from the US:

Google is the only referrer listed but that only explains 20 visitors and is consistent with the traffic Sanity usually gets:

It's almost entirely from users on Mac and Windows devices, all desktop.

I wonder what it could be, any ideas?

My money is on bot traffic, because it looks like multiple pages were each visited once, as opposite to a single page going viral.

I've also sent out a few CVs the other day so maybe it's a company checking out my work?

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Sanity Media is a place to post your increasingly unhinged thoughts

has anyone noticed that a lot of these posts are trending toward the unhinge? Has anyone noticed that many of the media we consume now seems to trend towards the unhinged?

Sanity Media began this trend early on! We are the pioneers of unhinged. If you are interested in posting unhinged media, Sanity Media is the place to do it


oh my god, this is the worst one I've seen

jesus fucking christ this is absolutely the worst cringe material I have ever heard in my life. I audibly gasped out loud and had to close my eyes through much of it. This is the type of guy that would monologue over you if you ever went out with him, best case scenario. But he's also the type of guy that would be monologuing while dismembering your body in his bathtub.

Jesus Christ. This takes the cake. I'm getting off the internet now. Forever

Good bye

cr1tikalcringedon't be this guyhow to not get a datemasochism
1 comment

Foodie Beauty's bittersweet return

Foodie Beauty's views are now starting to come back, surprising everyone who really believed (myself included) that her channel was on the downturn. What was the new shocking video about?'s official, FoodieBeauty has been diagnosed with type two diabetes. An absolutely devastating and difficult to control disease. This is quite sad, although personally, I never quite liked her so I don't feel that much sympathy. Let me be clear I'm not a psychopath that is happy about the news, I do find it sad, but at the end of the day, she is living the consequences of her actions. Her audience, doctors, literally everyone has been telling her this was inevitable.

In honor of (???) Foodie beauty's return I wanted to talk a little bit about type 2 diabetes that might be interesting to the readers

Diet, exercise and fasting are all great ways to reduce blood sugar. The ultimate goal is to lose weight, however, exercise, which i don't see mentioned often, increases blood glucose uptake due to up regulation of glut4 receptors on myocytes. I say that because I often see people might want to ignore exercise because "you can't outrun a bad diet" and while this is true, exercise serves other purposes than simple calorie burning. For more info, I definitely recommend checking out exercised by daniel lieberman. it's one of my favorite books about exercise and I definitely think it can be encouraging to the average person.

People seem to be shocked...

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some bugs with sanity

hey @tomasz, I'm noticing a few bugs with sanity. I noticed the upvotes and downvotes are not updating properly. Another issue I noticed is that when I am on my profile it is refreshing over and over again for about 10-15 seconds, I'm not sure if there is a failure to fetch problem....or something like that? might be worth looking into

<3 Radishes

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Gorl World Explained

So I am a huge purveyor of gorl world. I just think it's so interesting in the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are also fans of gorl world and at the end of the day it's...kind of petty drama?

Okay okay let me take a step back and explain what gorl world is.

Gorl world is the world that exists between Amberlynn Reid and Chantal Marie (Foodie beauty, big beautiful me, idk she changes her name all the time). They're two obese women who have youtube platforms are relatively big followings. People really, really like to watch them. There are even many other youtubers who have made videos about them as well.

But what makes Gorl world so fascinating? I think for me it's the relatively little petty drama surrounding the channels. While there are there are some serious accusations in gorl world (Chantal has been accused of being an animal abuser, allegedly, and the evidence her is overwhelming to say the least) the majority of the drama seems to be centered around the fact that these two women cannot lose weight and in addition often lie about their weight loss attempts (weigh ins, food they eat etc.)

This is just the tip of the iceberg though as of course, there is a lot more to gorl world. One of them being that, there has been a lot of criticism concerning the gorls' personalities (generally people tend to find Chantal just...well mean, problematic, she has made racist and bigoted statements, Amberlynn, being manipulative and ...

amberlynn reidfoodie beautyalex is shookzachary michaelgorl world
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