Croff-flation. Are the delicious new trendy dessert behind inflations and layoffs? Could croffles lead to a recessaion?

Croffles are the world's latest obsession. But obsession and addiction do not come without a cost. The world's croffle obsession has unfortunately led to massive inflation, layoffs, and soon and very likely a recession. But how did we get here? And can one little delicious and innocuous looking pastry really cause so much trouble?

Yes- yes it can

Due to the recent popularity of croffles, the cost of flour, butter, sugar and eggs have surged. All of the ingredients required to make croffles. They are also unfortunately essential foods and necessities required for everyday living.

As the rich consume and feast upon croffles, it has caused the price of necessary foods to increase. Because of their obsession with croffles they're not out doing anything else. They're not going out and spending money buying anything else, only croffles causing them to become more and more expensive as well as their ingredients. It has also led to massive unemployment and layoffs for anyone that doesn't work in a bakery or a cafe.

Due to the rich's consumption of basic necessities, of which the poor need to survive, it has caused massive inflation in the prices of the ingredients for the foods leading to many of the common class to starve.

Unless the rich can learn to curb their hunger, and desire of delicious croffle treats, we only have food scarcity, more unemployment, and a longer recession to look forward to.


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The beginning

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So what happened?

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  2. don't be unlikeable/mean
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In honor of (???) Foodie beauty's return I wanted to talk a little bit about type 2 diabetes that might be interesting to the readers

Diet, exercise and fasting are all great ways to reduce blood sugar. The ultimate goal is to lose weight, however, exercise, which i don't see mentioned often, increases blood glucose uptake due to up regulation of glut4 receptors on myocytes. I say that because I often see people might want to ignore exercise because "you can't outrun a bad diet" and while this is true, exercise serves other purposes than simple calorie burning. For more info, I definitely recommend checking out exercised by daniel lieberman. it's one of my favorite books about exercise and I definitely think it can be encouraging to the average person.

People seem to be shocked...

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How I Managed My Hunger and Improved My Diet

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#FoodieBeauty and LifePlusCindy cautionary tales about desperation

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Mainly that, it seems both relationships seem to be due more to convenience and desperation rather than mutual love, respect and caring for each other, aspects of a healthy relationship.

Chantal's relationship recently was exposed because her husband was cheating on her, but this wasn't any normal kind of cheating; this guy had some very strange fetishes. r*pe, pee, poo, this was the type of thing he was into and it was...wild to say the least. Reading the receipts (voice messages and text messages) made me feel super uncomfy.

As for Cindy's lover, he has been exposed as someone who was trolling the reddit forums on Arkansas swingers and Arkansas hotwives (also for swingers I believe) and many people believe that he is a sleazy guy. We don't even really have to guess because during a livestream, he admitted openly to being a "mansplainer and degenerate". Can you imagine that type of person who willingly describes himself that way? Cindy also said that he's "not normal".

I really hate this guy profusely and I don't think he is good for her. Also he's just kind of gross. I would much MUCH rather be single than date this guy. Ew. He is always greasy and ungroomed in every single one of his appearances on her instagram. Disgusting. Does this guy ever shower?

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Unpopular opinion: conferences/job fairs are just circle jerks we pay to attend

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They seem to just be there for people who are already successful to flex, while hopeful but unsuccessful people watch them, feel amazed, and hope one day, they too can be successful. Finally, in terms of job fairs, a place where companies circle jerk each other and compete about which company is the best place to work at. I've never met even a single person who has gotten a job from a job fair, even though this is a "very popular way to get hired". Okay, honestly for who though? I legitimately want (need) to meet these people.

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