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Hey I’m new here - I suck really badly at social media and I need someone to do it for me….


Sanity has gifs!?

I had this weird argument once with some guy that thinks it's supposed to be pronounced with a hard "g". clearly that guy doesn't realize the creator of gifs says it's a soft J sound


this one lady sent me this great gif, like peanut butter


check it out guys!

itsa meeee


#My most horrfyingly embarassing and by far toxic trait

I love this website because really only so few of my friends visit it I could just use it to vent to the world. like a little personal diary.

I have this horrible toxic trait of like, sometimes looking up people in my past life to see how their shitty decisions or shitty behavior has led to their lives turning out. Are they as miserable as I imagine they are? sometimes I watch them and through their facial expressions or little clues on their social media and make up little stories about how they're really doing

But I realize this is a toxic trait that I NEED to stop. Doing shit like this will not make my life better, it'll only hold me behind. I need to ignore those people, like they're from my past life. They're dead. Who cares. Work on your own life and trying to drive yourself forward. Why am I obsessed with the dead?

Someone, send me your therapist please. But yeah, definitely need to work on that...where do I start?

confessionstoxic traitsventingtherapysomeone put me on a watch list

Let it go by Elsa the Icequeen

A few days ago my boss told me „to let go“. Like don’t be too harsh to myself and others. Especially the children at my workplace. I think he meant something like don’t feel responsible for everyone and everything. But how can I do this if I have this feeling in my gut that I can do better than a lot of other colleagues. It’s like finding a thin line between responsibility and let five be straight (weird to translate German sayings into English). I’m really trying my best and I know I‘m really good at my job, but it leaves me exhausted at hell. So as part of a homework for myself I try to let it go. Leave the opportunity for others to do shit I always do.

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Hello World

Hello@ it's me, radishes from the egg and radish team

thank you for recommending us to this new website! it seems so empty right now but we can't wait to find more users to interact with!

and we will come here to post our videos and talk about them here as well

the website looks great so far @tomasz-stefaniak + intern

keep up the great work guys! :D

tomaszstefaniaknew user

Nutrition tips I got from a celebrity physical trainer

nah I didn't meet this guy because ain't nobody got that kind of cash money. But I did start reading his book and I thought i would share some of my favorite nutrition tips that I think are easy to implement and that I wish to start implementing into my own...life.

it's not a journey it's a lifestyle

Anyways a few things I learned....

  1. timing is crucial. Steven Emphasizes timing over the kind of food that you eat. I think this totally makes sense as it has a lot to do with insulin levels as well as why certain diets such as intermediate fasting work so well

2-3 hours after last meal to exercise if you eat 3x per day you should have 5 hours between each meal

  1. BCAAs take approximately 3g of BCAAs before and after exercising as this emphasizes muslce building

  2. cheat meals actually can help you, so don't feel guilty for having cheat meals seriously. just don't overdo it. one cheat meal a week is both great for helping keep you on track the rest of the week as well as helping your body from getting used to a new diet. I really like this approach to cheat meals

healthfitnesssteven zimm
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What should we build next?

We've just finished comments and added some UI/UX improvements to the site, making posts easier to read and the website, I hope, prettier and more aesthetically pleasing. What should we focus on next?

I think notifications would be useful, so that you can see when someone comments or upvotes your posts. This would be limited to a single notification sent once a day that contains a summary of everything relevant that happened.

Anything else that you think Sanity is missing or could do better? Let me know in the comments 💬

sanityfeedbackbuilding in publicuser experiencenotifications