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I like that more recent video games have become a bit easier because tbh I am not very good at video games, but you really can't expect much from a bird. Squawk Squawk

I do like that many video games that are coming out now have options for difficulty so if you're bird handed like me, you can pick an easier difficulty and if you're human handed or just really great at video games you can pick a level that is more challenging. and then there you go! everyone is happy

But Duolingo is for language learning. I know they are trying to "make it video game like" but, language learning is supposed to be filled with mistakes! If you don't make mistakes you don't learn! I really hope Duolingo will hear reviews like this and change because it is very difficult to get their attention on this.


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Why using Duolingo kind of sucks

I have been trying really hard to use Duolingo French so that I can impress some french skunks but I gotta say that shit is real painful.

First of all, it moves so fucking slowly. Like dog, I been doing Duolingo everyday for 4 days and learned nothing new, I am getting 100% on all my lessons and nothing new is introduced. And it's not that I am learning French somewhere else and then doing Duolingo. No. This is literally the only way I started learning any French. I didn't know what "Bonjour" meant two weeks ago. But Holy Shit. Duolingo really presumes their users are fucking idiots and cannot learn anything. Why does it move so god damn slow.

And the latest updates have NOT helped. Okay if I am getting like 70% or something this could be an issue but 100% on every lesson? and it is teaching the same shit over and over again?

This is yet another example of us moving just as fast as the slowest fucking student, another way no child left behind has infiltrated our education system

just let the idiots alone to drown, this is some survival of the fittest shit not, "little jimmy takes 4 days to learn how to greet someone in a foreign language so we gotta wait for him to figure it out"

Okay this happens in language classes too, but on a slightly lesser extent. It is still awful though.

duolingolanguage learning
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There is no Duolingo for Thai - but here are the alternatives

Unfortunately there is no Duolingo for Thai and it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon. The two apps that I know that come kind of close are Drops and Ling:

They're not exactly great but Thai is not a popular language to learn so you'll just need to take whatever resources are out there. I slightly prefer Drops but you should give both of these a try and see which works better for you.

Thai alphabet

If you're learning Thai alphabet, I recently a started an AI account that writes an article about a different Thai letter every day. I set the bot up to write about each letter the way that makes it easy for me to learn it. First, it introduces the letter and its pronunciation, then provides some examples of common words with that letter. Finally, writes a simple sentence in Thai using each of the words and provides an English translation. I'm genuinely surprised how well it's worked for me so far. I'm finally starting to pick up some letters and I don't feel like it costs me a lot of effort.

Check it out here:

thai languagethaiduolingothai alphabetlingdropslanguage learninglanguage learning apps

Eggs and Radishes just posted a new video! More bird content!

Hi everyone ! we just posted a new video on our youtube channel. Radish tells the story about how she and her eggy companion were bamboozled and outsmarted by a seagull! but it's nothing to be angry about. seagulls are so cute, I would even say that I would be willing to be scammed by this bird a second time

please go check it out, like, comment and subscribe so that we can please the youtube algorithm


about egg and radishes new video: they left out some important facts about Seagulls. Read more to find out!

While Radish did an okay job of talking about Seagulls, I think she left out some very important information about the beautiful birds. That they are actually our cousins.

Yes. That is right ladies and gents. the beautiful bird seagulls are just, sea eagles. They were our ancestors who moved out way over to the sea many years ago, but every once in awhile we meet in a beautiful family reunion and it absolutely is just amazing and fantastic.

Don't believe me? the proof is in the name. if you say "sea-eagle" it actually sounds phonetically exactly identical to "seagull". A coincidence? I think not. it's the unmistakeable indication that we really are a related bird.

While I am happy in my high mountain living area, I do think every once in awhile about my dear cousins, the sea eagles who decided to go happily out of their way to fly all the way to the sea. I hope my dear cousins are out there enjoying all the fish they could possibly gobble up.

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A New Perspective on Understanding AI

I came across an intriguing article today:

Often, people compare AI to a black box because we don't know what's inside of it. I wanted to propose a new way of thinking about AI, or at least share my perspective.

Imagine that indestructible eggs have been dropped from alien spaceships occasionally passing by Earth. These eggs hatch on our planet, and humans interact with the aliens after they've emerged. We feed them immense amounts of information because that's what they excel at. We give these aliens a goal, provide them with plenty of data, and they quickly and intelligently figure out how to achieve it.

However, they have alien brains, which are even more mysterious to us than our own. We have far less knowledge of what goes on inside an AI alien brain than we do our own.

Isn't that a fascinating and somewhat unsettling thought?

love from me and chatGPT


How computers are killing the Karaoke Industry

Have you ever noticed that the most Karaoke-able songs are from the 80s? whenever I listen to music, I always think to myself, can I sing that in Karaoke though? I mean...who doesn't, right? Karaoke is one of the most fun past times imaginable, so songs should be rated not only on their hip funky tunes and lyrics but also how Karaoke-able the song is. Can I sing this in front of my friends? will it be fun? What is the ratio of embarrassing to fun? (embarrassing must rate lower than fun in order to be karaoke-able)

Have you noticed that conversely the least Karaoke-able songs seem to come from...well recent times? why is that? is it because their funky tunes are much less funky? It's actually due to autotuning. Because the voices are now so autotuned, well, it's hard for real human voices to sing that way isn't it? since the advent of autotuning and computer programmings related to autotuning, the songs released recently are more and more less karaoke-able. If this continues, we'll no longer have any songs from recent times to sing. 🎀 I'm hoping by bringing light to this matter we could slowly move towards a more karaoke friendly future, so that our children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to enjoy this timeless past-time


If we're talking about people

While impressive, a creature such as a human is simply an action generator that makes predictions about what actions would best fit the prompt it was given based on what it’s learned from ingesting huge troves of lifetime data.


How I Maintained a Regular Exercise Regime for Over 2 Years

Let me tell you a bit about myself. In my other post, I talked about how I went from being a carb-addicted maniac to eating high-protein foods and thriving from it!

Well, another thing you might not know about me, which is a common trait among all of us humans, is the natural tendency we have to avoid exercise. I read 'Exercised' by Daniel Lieberman, and I really recommend this book to anyone else that hates exercise. I found it really motivating and not at all condescending towards those who did not exercise regularly or didn't like it. The long story short is that exercise was something we basically never evolved to do because it expends precious calories. However, as our society evolved and calories became abundant, we, as humans, never really adapted to this as we are still "evolved" to conserve calories. So, knowing this made me feel a lot less guilty about my exercise-aversion.

What really motivated me to start exercising regularly was having a goal that felt genuinely important and came from within me. During the time that I decided to participate in regular exercise, it was during the pandemic, and I was starting to feel sluggish from the lack of movement while being in lockdown. I also was doing something very difficult and mentally taxing at this time: I was learning a new language. I needed to learn it to at least B2 proficiency, fluent in other words. This was not at all an easy task, as any of you w...

healthfitnessexerciseexercised by daniel liebermanvideo games