I finished my first self-published book today and it was awful


Okay, honestly, I'm all for self-publishing. I think it's really cool that there are people out there who maybe didn't train as writers for half their lives but can still get their story out there. However, I think there is some merit as well behind publishing houses. They edit your books so that you don't end up publishing incoherent garbage.

Anyways, I read Private Dancer by Stephen Leather. I also happen to be Thai and my family also happens to be from the Isaan region, a place which he really just tears apart in his book. He essentially depicts us as incestuous, unfeeling, barbaric, uneducated, unwilling to change, lazy etc. The fact that this book was so highly touted by the Bangkok Post and others is really shameful. I guess the foreigners aren't depicted as really the good guys either though, so I guess in a sense, Stephen Leather just hates everybody.

Other than that, the writing is....bad. Really overly dramatic, changing the perspective is a weak veil over Stephen's poor writing skills. All in all, I can see why it didn't get that good of a rating on good reads. I actually didn't even realize that it was a self published book until the very end, and then upon realization, well....everything made sense. Ugh it's...it's so bad


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Why France sucks - a serious post/talk about a topic everyone else refuses to speak about


yeah, I get it. Hating a country is pretty controversial nowadays, especially in the woke era. And to be clear, I think racial injustice/gender inequality are totally valid things to speak about (and in fact will be the two things I discuss here), but I fear we have gone into the opposite direction: basically now we can't criticize anything. It appears, at least to me, nuanced is dead, and you're either far right or far left. I think rather, we should be able to criticize things otherwise you come out with people who go way the opposite of the spectrum (dudes like Andrew Tate).

Why am I qualified to talk about this? I lived in France for 3 years, so yeah, I have some experience. I lived in both Paris and the south in Nice, and I promise you this is not just a "Paris" problem. I will post some links to other articles too, to make my point.


if you're not white or black (and a man), stay the fuck out of France, because you will have a really bad time. Hell even if you are white and black, make sure you don't get caught in the "wrong" hood. I have heard from many colleagues about the harassment they can receive if you enter the wrong neighborhood, with many people usually shouting at you but also there is a real risk of getting jumped.

When I lived in France, I literally could not leave my house for a single day without having racist remarks shouted at me. Not. A....

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The slow descent into postdoctoral madness

If you wont read any more posts or comments from me, youll realize that my descent into madness was a swift one. Im a last years phd student (in fact 6 months to go and 3 more months hopefully to write) in biology who is grasping to his last bit of sanity at the moment all the while sailing through the troubled waters commonly referred to as the "terrible last year". With work piling up from the last 2,5 years, multiple projects requiring attention and people expecting me to perform well, there is also a constant dread for my future career so the pressure is coming from the past, present and the future ready to gang up on you any time of the day. A general phd in life sciences (and i dont count medicine because its not a real science, sorry early falcon) includes 3-5 years of laboratory labor, depending where you live and how fucked or blessed you are with your supervisor. After the terrible last year, you are kicked out to write your thesis and depending where you life you can be lucky if youre still hired by then or if they lay you off to write your thesis on welfare (social programs yeeaahh am i right ?) By then you are ready to defend your thesis and earn your well deserved title, unless you have decided to quit at any of those moments, which i have seen people do from first year right up to only having to write everything together. Afriend of mine recommended me to start writing a journal book but im terrible with such things...

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#FoodieBeauty and LifePlusCindy cautionary tales about desperation

I notice that more and more people are making comparisons between FoodieBeauty and LifePlusCindy, when it comes to their "man".

Mainly that, it seems both relationships seem to be due more to convenience and desperation rather than mutual love, respect and caring for each other, aspects of a healthy relationship.

Chantal's relationship recently was exposed because her husband was cheating on her, but this wasn't any normal kind of cheating; this guy had some very strange fetishes. r*pe, pee, poo, this was the type of thing he was into and it was...wild to say the least. Reading the receipts (voice messages and text messages) made me feel super uncomfy.

As for Cindy's lover, he has been exposed as someone who was trolling the reddit forums on Arkansas swingers and Arkansas hotwives (also for swingers I believe) and many people believe that he is a sleazy guy. We don't even really have to guess because during a livestream, he admitted openly to being a "mansplainer and degenerate". Can you imagine that type of person who willingly describes himself that way? Cindy also said that he's "not normal".

I really hate this guy profusely and I don't think he is good for her. Also he's just kind of gross. I would much MUCH rather be single than date this guy. Ew. He is always greasy and ungroomed in every single one of his appearances on her instagram. Disgusting. Does this guy ever shower?

He also took her to a...

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#Foodie Beauty's Husband's Cheating Has Been Revealed in the WORST way

So this lady called @Sharmotaworldx on twitter just dumped a bunch of screenshots and videos showcasing some texts with Chantal's husband Salah. And the texts were wild. Apparently this guy has some seriously....taboo kinks...like toilet and grape stuff if you catch my drift. It was really gross. You can find the originals on kiwifarms or from reaction channels like AlexIsShook or Zachary Michael. However I don't recommend you actually find the original messages, they're just SUPER uncomfy to listen to. I found them and I definitely regret it, like this is all the details you need.

Foodie Beauty did go back on and rage about finding this out, Salah confirmed it was him, but apparently she forgives him and is calling SharmotaWorldx a bunch of names (typical, misogynist Chantal, yikes).

the whole thing is a dumpster fire , I was getting really bored with Chantal's material, and I was honestly not that interested in the return to Canada arc but man it is getting weird.

chantal mariechantal showfoodie beautygorl worldsharmotaworldx

Pioneer Academics: the worst, most unethical employer I have ever worked for in my life

it wouldn't be an understatement to say that Pioneer academics is an unethical employer. They openly are emotionally abusive to their employees. By signing up for Pioneer academics and paying them money, you're actively supporting abuse of human beings.

I can't believe that Oberlin College would actively partner with an organization that is abusive to their employees. Furthermore I find this type of behavior from academic professors also deplorable. Like they are not even doing research themselves on the type of company they are with.

the environment is very hawkeyed, they monitor your every move. They first start out by dehumanizing you. You can never refer to yourself as apart from the company, you always must refer to yourselves in align with the company. They make it clear to you very early on that you're replaceable and not a person. They treated you like children and gave such easy tasks but would not trust you with any individuality to choice making. I remember working for them, and when I met the professors I would immediately shrink away from them because I had felt so worthless and horrible: the management at Pioneer Academics will constantly reinforce this idea. That you are replaceable and not a person.

It is not explicitly stated, but they require you to be available 24/7 for meetings. There were often times I would be notified of a meeting 1 hour or sometimes even less...

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oh my god, this is the worst one I've seen

jesus fucking christ this is absolutely the worst cringe material I have ever heard in my life. I audibly gasped out loud and had to close my eyes through much of it. This is the type of guy that would monologue over you if you ever went out with him, best case scenario. But he's also the type of guy that would be monologuing while dismembering your body in his bathtub.

Jesus Christ. This takes the cake. I'm getting off the internet now. Forever

Good bye

cr1tikalcringedon't be this guyhow to not get a datemasochism
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We are the worst timeline #Harambe

Has anyone noticed things have really fallen off since 2016? Specifically after the death of Harambe. Look, people weren't freaking out about the death of the Gorilla. I mean, his death was obviously very sad but there seems to be something more nefarious here. Harambe's untimely death had caused a shift in timelines, causing us all to unwittingly be transported to the worst timeline.

although, I have to say this timeline is boring. I mean, literally the AI "finale" is following the same timeline as COVID (as I wrote in an earlier blog). If they think people aren't going to see through that, they're insane. It is so blatantly obvious. These writers really need to get their shit together.

RIP Harambe. You will always be remembered and I think people will soon begin to realize the significance of his death. Not only was it a tragic and untimely death but it caused an entire shift of timelines in our universe.


Foodie Beauty's bittersweet return

Foodie Beauty's views are now starting to come back, surprising everyone who really believed (myself included) that her channel was on the downturn. What was the new shocking video about? well....it's official, FoodieBeauty has been diagnosed with type two diabetes. An absolutely devastating and difficult to control disease. This is quite sad, although personally, I never quite liked her so I don't feel that much sympathy. Let me be clear I'm not a psychopath that is happy about the news, I do find it sad, but at the end of the day, she is living the consequences of her actions. Her audience, doctors, literally everyone has been telling her this was inevitable.

In honor of (???) Foodie beauty's return I wanted to talk a little bit about type 2 diabetes that might be interesting to the readers

Diet, exercise and fasting are all great ways to reduce blood sugar. The ultimate goal is to lose weight, however, exercise, which i don't see mentioned often, increases blood glucose uptake due to up regulation of glut4 receptors on myocytes. I say that because I often see people might want to ignore exercise because "you can't outrun a bad diet" and while this is true, exercise serves other purposes than simple calorie burning. For more info, I definitely recommend checking out exercised by daniel lieberman. it's one of my favorite books about exercise and I definitely think it can be encouraging to the average person.

People seem to be shocked...

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#My most horrfyingly embarassing and by far toxic trait

I love this website because really only so few of my friends visit it I could just use it to vent to the world. like a little personal diary.

I have this horrible toxic trait of like, sometimes looking up people in my past life to see how their shitty decisions or shitty behavior has led to their lives turning out. Are they as miserable as I imagine they are? sometimes I watch them and through their facial expressions or little clues on their social media and make up little stories about how they're really doing

But I realize this is a toxic trait that I NEED to stop. Doing shit like this will not make my life better, it'll only hold me behind. I need to ignore those people, like they're from my past life. They're dead. Who cares. Work on your own life and trying to drive yourself forward. Why am I obsessed with the dead?

Someone, send me your therapist please. But yeah, definitely need to work on that...where do I start?

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A Grimm Tale about obedience, by me and chatGPT

Once upon a time in a small, humble village on the edge of a vast forest, there lived a poor miller and his three sons. The miller worked tirelessly to provide for his family, but despite his efforts, they lived a life of scarcity. The three brothers, though strong and capable, were known for their differing personalities: the eldest for his pride and boastfulness, the second for his disobedience, and the youngest for his humility and kindness.

In a distant kingdom, a beautiful and wise princess was captured by a wicked witch with a heart as dark as coal. This malicious sorceress locked the princess away in a tower hidden deep within an enchanted forest, guarded by a fearsome dragon and surrounded by a maze of thorns. The desperate king, who loved his daughter dearly, announced that whoever could rescue his precious child would receive her hand in marriage and half the kingdom's wealth.

Hearing of this great opportunity, the three brothers decided to embark on the adventure, each hoping to change their family's fortune and prove their worth. They prepared for their journey, bidding farewell to their father and the villagers who cheered them on with hope and excitement.

The eldest brother, driven by his pride, ventured into the forest first. He encountered the witch who guarded the path to the princess. She looked deep into his eyes, her voice a raspy whisper, and said, "If you wish to rescue the princess, you must follow m...
