I finished my first self-published book today and it was awful
Okay, honestly, I'm all for self-publishing. I think it's really cool that there are people out there who maybe didn't train as writers for half their lives but can still get their story out there. However, I think there is some merit as well behind publishing houses. They edit your books so that you don't end up publishing incoherent garbage.
Anyways, I read Private Dancer by Stephen Leather. I also happen to be Thai and my family also happens to be from the Isaan region, a place which he really just tears apart in his book. He essentially depicts us as incestuous, unfeeling, barbaric, uneducated, unwilling to change, lazy etc. The fact that this book was so highly touted by the Bangkok Post and others is really shameful. I guess the foreigners aren't depicted as really the good guys either though, so I guess in a sense, Stephen Leather just hates everybody.
Other than that, the writing is....bad. Really overly dramatic, changing the perspective is a weak veil over Stephen's poor writing skills. All in all, I can see why it didn't get that good of a rating on good reads. I actually didn't even realize that it was a self published book until the very end, and then upon realization, well....everything made sense. Ugh it's...it's so bad